
I created #dadsdontquit and #momsquad in 2018 after spending years tied up in a very contentious custody case involving my young daughter.

As my custody case progressed, I discovered that many things were amiss not only in the courtroom, but also in my community.

In response to the myriad of issues I uncovered, I began using my voice to directly confront the people and organizations that have created a long-running culture of corruption and bad behavior in my community.

The louder I became; the more people began paying attention and sharing their own stories with me. What started as one parent challenging a very broken system turned into a grassroots effort to effectuate sorely needed change in a community that has been held hostage for decades by very nefarious public officials and individuals.

My efforts have landed me in jail and caused me a long list of problems, but just like the name implies, #dadsdontquit.

I live in a place where children are being hurt, parents are being victimized and families are being destroyed. This isn’t a fight I picked, but it’s one that I could not walk away from.

In an effort to boost my profile locally, I also created a public Facebook group aptly titled “Through My Eyes”. This group has grown from a handful of members into a 17k member strong juggernaut that brings the fight to the bad apples and keeps the bright light of attention squarely focused on the task at hand.

I am not a crusader, nor a pioneer in the ongoing battle to right the wrongs that allow children to be alienated from their parents.

I’m just a dad that won’t quit.

Dad's Don't Quit